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Natural Endowments

Madi Okollo District is endowed with lots of natural resources. These include the vast land, natural trees, wetlands, the Nile River and many other permanent rivers. It is a drainage point for most of the rivers in West Nile.

In total, the district covers an area of 2,019 Km2, of which 101.1 Km2 is rivers and swamps, and 61.0 Km2 is gazetted forest and game reserves. Approximately, 78.9% of the districts’ land is arable or suitable for cattle grazing.


Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme is an initiative of the government of Uganda being implemented as a rolling programme under Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development.  It is designed to address the challenges women face in undertaking economically viable enterprises like limited access to affordable credit, limited technical knowledge and skills for business development, limited access to markets as well as information regarding business opportunities.